
Welcome to the Montreal West Curling Club Junior program webpage. Our Junior program operates on Saturdays throughout the season and consists of both Little Rock and Big Rock sections.

Below is an overview of the components of the junior program.

Little Rock Program: Saturdays from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm. Curlers from the age of 8 to 11 learn about the game from qualified coaches and volunteers. The primary focus is on ice safety and slide and delivery mechanics in order to give the curlers the best basis on which to build their game.

Big Rock Program: Saturdays from 10:30 pm to 12:30 pm. Curlers 12 and up continue to develop their curling skills. Qualified coaches work on skills and game strategy. The coaches typically teach a skill or strategy for the first 45 minutes and then the curlers play a four-end game to further develop that skill.

Myke Wilder TrophyMyke Wilder Junior League: This is the MWCC Junior In-house league and is scheduled about 6 times during the season at the club.

ARCM Interclub: The ARCM (Association Régionale Curling Montréal) organizes a junior interclub league for both little rock and big rock curlers that includes Montreal West, Pointe-Claire, Glenmore, Baie d’Urfé, and TMR Curling Clubs. Games are held roughly once per month throughout the season on weekends at the participating clubs.

Other Bonspiels and Events: Various clubs and the local curling Branch organize bonspiels with different degrees of competition throughout the season. Two examples are the annual Quebec Games (very competitive) and Tim Caverly Christmas Bonspiel (fun competitive). The junior committee helps individuals/teams enter these events with qualified coaches as required and requested.

Additional information about the league and how to participate can be found in the documents below.

ENG 2022-23 Junior registration form

FR 2022-23 Form inscription junior

Contact: mwccjr@gmail.com with any questions.

2017-18 Mike Wylder Winners IMG_8785 BOYZ1 Schenectedy Interclub LR, Dec 2016 with PC team EarleMorris&JRS2 Glenmore funspiel - LR team (Nov 26, 2016) Jean-Junior Provincials2017-Bigger  JRS-IMG_9806Juniors BR Group (Dec 19, 2015) (2)